Monday, July 20, 2009

Quick Update

We had a great turnout on Sunday and accomplished a ton. Monday was mostly fine-tuning but a major upgrade happened on the dirt jump start hill thanks to the Victor Public Works crew and their shiny front loader.

Our new bike park rocks!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Victor Bike Park Day 2

Where once there was nothing now sits a Bike Park! We made huge gains yesterday and accomplished more than I thought was possible in one day. I'll get photos up soon, but first a big thanks to the following people who really stepped up yesterday:
Pete Linville and Colin - GreenNeck Excavating
Scott Golden - Victor Pubilc Works
Harlan and Clay - Teton Freedom Riders
Hondo Miller - High Range Designs
Dave Byers - Athlete 360
Jay Hoots - Running the Mini Ex until WAY past dark!
Dave Bergart - Victor City Councilman
Amy, Taylor, Kenny - the Future of the Victor Bike Park.

OK, no time for blogging, there's work to be done!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Day 1 of Givn'r

Every delay possibly was thrown at us yesterday by the airlines but no big surprise there right!? The funniest though was the broken gas main in jackson on the way back from the airport! Classic! So we didn't get going until 7pm, but that didn't stop Jay Hoots and Councilman Johnny Ziem from Givn'r! We moved almost all the intial dirt into place after the mad scientist (Jay Hoots) quickly spray painted the layout.
We'll be at it again today starting at 8am.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Travel Delay

Jay Hoots' flight was delayed so it looks like we will not be on sight tonight until 5:30pm. Hope to still get a bunch done tonight though...

Grant Award

We just found out that we were awarded a Grant of $1000 from the Community Foundation of Teton Valley for the Victor Bike Park!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Victor Bike Park Construction Begins Thursday!

The blank canvas

Here's a schedule of events for the next 5 days.

If you would like to help, you are welcome any or all of the days. However, it looks like Sat and Sun will be the days when hand tools will come into play the most. Not sure how this will progress exactly, so stay tuned!

What to Bring:
Gloves, Sunscreen, Water, Shovels (Flat), Rakes (sturdy), Hat, Snacks

Jay Hoots arrives
Dirt is moved into place with Loaders / Skid Steers
2pm - til dark?

Loader and Excavator begins initial shaping
8am - 5pm

Skid Steers / Mini Ex Continue shaping
Volunteers begin shaping with hand tools
8am - 5pm

Skid Steers / Mini Ex Continue shaping
Volunteers shape with hand tools
8am - 5pm

Final Work Day
Details - TBD